Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In this dream, I was surrounded by darkness. It was so dark that I couldn’t even see my own hands. The suddenly I heard a voice. I couldn’t understand wait it was saying because it was to far off. As the voice got closer, it also became clearer. It was saying, “If you want to become stronger you must make other suffer, you must become what they fear the most, you must become fear itself. For fear makes others weak and it is their weakness that will give you strength. The voice repeated this over and over again. Then suddenly there was a whisper in my ear. It whispered “To become strong You must first get rid of your fear.” Then every thing changed and I was inside of a car. My cousin was driving. She was sing along to a song on the radio. We were driving up a hill. Then she made a sharp turn lost control of the car. She screamed! The car fell into the ocean, only when I fell in, the car disappeared and it was just me falling. I sunk all the way to the bottom of the ocean.  I tried to swim up for air. That’s when I saw bodies, thousands of dead bodies. The water tuned into a bloody red. Then I was suddenly on top of the bloody water. I was stand on top of the water. The water took the form of a body. It was huge! It then formed the face of a creepy looking clown. Shivers ran up my spine. It laughed the said, “You still have fears, which makes me stronger than you. Then it tried to attacks me. I woke up breathing hard then glared at the cause of this dream, “IT” by Stephen King.     


  1. HankyungHangeng :( was in there O.o, so was kangin O.o
    dbsk is complete there *sigh* if only they came to l.a. in 2008... -.-;;;

  2. oh and yeah :|... it dreams are the ones that are the most detailed ... curse ou cain and your new york song :(

  3. OMG!!! That is a scary fear!! I know, after the book I had one nightmare and it was It the clown and freddy cauger put together!

  4. Love your story! Though the words you used werent correct, such as "wait", when I know you meant "what". Also, your sentence structure was a bit confusing. "We were driving up a hill. Then she made a sharp turn lost control of the car. She screamed!" A comma between hill and then, and insert a "and" between turn - lost."
    :) I like your story. Hope that I what I said helped ^^

  5. it dreams are always those that we remember with the most detail... the voice was encouraging you... lucky :(... it was taunting me -.-
