Sunday, October 24, 2010

Communication has changed  a lot over the last 20 or so years. It has changed for the good, and for the bad. We have many ways  in which we can communicate. We can do it the old fashion way, which is now know as the romantic way, and send a letter, we can call the receiver on there house phone, cell phone, or on a pay phone you know their always near. You can also talk to them online, text message them on there phones. Don’t forget you can talk to them verbally in many languages, you can even use sign language in different languages, one of personal favorites is Korean sign language. It is now easy to talk to just about anyone. You can even talc to your favorite artist or actor (etc) online and you also have fan letters that get answered. But the  new technology has killed the brains of our mind today, especially teens. Almost every time I see a teenager, they are talking but mostly texting on there cell phone. Even at school where cell phone usage is prohibited, they are still using them in class during lunch etc. the use of cell phones has a danger zone. The car! Millions of car accident have occurred because of cell phone, which has caused many deaths. So much sadness has been caused by are “newly improved communications” communication online is worst, you can tell some one to much or foolishly decide to meet up with a complete danger you think you know because of the false information they put online, you can end up getting yourself, raped kidnapped, beaten, robbed, and so many other bad things. It just so sad to think about all the bad thing that have happed to people as are communication devise kills the proper way of speaking.         

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