Sunday, October 24, 2010

Math? Why do we need to know math? Well let’s start with money, if you don’t know math how will you be able to manage your money. If you didn’t know math it could be a big problem. For example, let say you get a job that pay $350 a week and you want rent a really nice house that cost $1000 a month, if you do the math you’d know you’ll only have $750 dollars left a mother for transportation, food/ drinks, bills, and other thing that you might need or want. Not to mention you have kids, who would always need things for school. Not only that, if you don’t know math, you  could easily get cheated out of your money. You could pay for something that cost $20 and the person give you back $8, how would you know their cheating you. Another thing is going to a sale at a store, it could be something that you want that’s 20% off the original price which is $50, you have a little money but don’t know if it’s enough. You would also need to know math for certain careers, such as any kind of doctor, and architect, any thing that has to do with computers, banker and many other jobs, nearly all jobs consist of knowing a little math. You also need math to cook sometimes. You need to know how much of that and this to add. In the end, math is very important, so you should take advantage of learning as much of it as you can. 

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